Friday, September 9, 2011

Speaks and shows Facebook

 Facebook starts a media platform, allowing to listen to music in streaming a mode. In plans of a network service start streaming video. The world's largest social network becomes television and radio of new generation, promise sources.

   Social network Facebook in the end of September will start own musical platform, informs technological blog Mashable. As partners Facebook musical services Spotify, MOG and Rdio act. As minority shareholders of a social network and Spotify structures of the Russian businessmen Alisher Usmanov and Yury Milnera act.

Service will allow to listen to music in streaming a mode through a site of a social network, and also to share it with friends.

  At Facebook already there is more than 750 million users. According to two sources Mashable, Facebook not will neither store musical and a video content, nor to operate it. Partners of a social network will be engaged in It. Such concept differs from strategy Apple, Google and Amazon which store music on the servers.

Administration Facebook yet doesn't inform, whether the platform will be opened for other developers. One of blog sources has noticed that the social network «doesn't have favourites», therefore it is possible to count that foreign developers will get access.

One of close to Facebook sources Reuters says that the social network «solves one of problems of the digital musical companies: how to help to find new music».

 «Your friends cooperate with you on Facebook. It is a new format of radio and, probably, television», – quotes agency of a word of a source.

  Start of musical service is entered in the concept of general director Facebook of Mark Tsukerberga. Earlier he said that the companies should be judged own development on volume of a content which users Facebook, instead of on audience volume share.

Administration Facebook plans to make the network a media platform – to similarly how now it is a platform for games. According to the sources, new function Facebook will open access not only to audiofiles, but also to video data, for example through service of online hire Netflix.